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Boat Driving Tips for Lake George Newbie Boaters

Are you new to boating, or are planning on renting a boat? Check out our boat driving tips for Lake George boaters below.

two boats docked
Photo credit: @kevenhanselman

Getting Started

  • Know your terms: Bow (front - "you bow forward"), Port (left), Starboard (right), Stern (back), Beam - greatest width of the boat.
  • When you get in the boat, check that you have the basics: 3 flares (not expired), fire extinguisher, paddle and life vests, gas and oil. (Note: from November 1 - May 1, even adults must wear life vests on boats.)
  • ALWAYS turn the ventilation blowers on for a few minutes prior to starting the engine, so that the gases can escape the engine, and you don't blow up.
  • Look at the bilge pump area to check for water, then turn on the bilge pump if needed.
  • Turn on the ignition and just look at the engine. As the instructor said, "You can see if something's wrong. You don't have to be a mechanic to notice if a hose is spurting out water."
  • Know your gauges: RPM should be at 3000 at 30 mpg, Oil pressure about 60 and engine temperature from 160-175.
woman drives boat on lake george

On The Water

  • Most people don't know the rules so don't assume they do.
  • On Lake George the speed limit is 45 mph during the day (6AM - 9PM) and 25 mph at night (9PM - 6AM).
  • The maximum speed limit is 5MPH within 100 feet of docks, moorings, and anchored vessels, and also in No Wake Zones.
  • You should be 100 feet away from the shore at all times on a boat and 500 feet away in a jet ski.
  • Stay at the "one click" speed when in the 5 mph zone. This is easy to feel: when you move the lever forward, you'll move really slowly. When you want to speed up, lift up the trim when you are starting out, and remember to level or "plane" out the boat.
  • In crossing situations, the boat on the starboard (right) side has the right of way. A boat being overtaken by another also has the right of way. Powerboats must yield to sailboats that are under sail alone and windsurfers, except when the powerboat is slower.
  • Vessels with a lower priority must keep out of way of vessels with a higher priority unless being overtaken. The order of highest to lowest priority is as follows: a vessel not under command (unable to maneuver), a vessel restricted in its ability to maneuver, a vessel engaged in fishing (not including trolling lines which do not restrict maneuverability), a sailing vessel, a power driven vessel.
  • In general, it's best to avoid hampering the progress of any larger vessel even if you believe you have the right of way.
  • You'll see green and red buoys - remember "Red Right Returning", so when heading NORTH, the red buoys are on your left and vice versa when heading south.
two kids on a boat about to dock


  • The most important thing about docking is doing the "one click" and never going past that "first click" forward and backward. Go slow, slow, slow - there is never a hurry to dock.
  • Once you've docked, turn off the battery with the switch - that way, if you accidentally left a light on, your boat will start up next time.

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