Lake George Community Spotlight Series: Connecting With Locals & Unveiling Their Stories
Beyond the scenic landscapes and recreational offerings that Lake George, NY is known for, there is a rich community filled with diverse individuals, each with a unique story to share. In our Lake George Community Spotlight Series, we aim to feature everyone from community leaders to local business owners who contribute to the region’s character and spirit.
Joe and Patti Silipigno are the faces behind Boathouse Waterfront Lodging in Bolton Landing, where they've been helping to create fond summer memories for couples over the decades.
Meet Tyler Herrick, President of Spruce Hospitality Group, and General Manager of the Queensbury Hotel. We spoke with Tyler about his background in the industry and what he loves most about the Lake George area.
Katie Carson and her husband Will have worked hard to transform Lake George Waterfront Cruises & Hospitality and enhance the visitor experience. Read about how she got started and her plans for the future!
Sasha Pardy is the co-founder of Adirondack Winery, a premier winery that specializes in fruit-infused wines and other varietals. Learn about the winery's origins and what Sasha enjoys about the region.
Sam Luciano, President of the Fort William Henry Hotel and Conference Center, shared with us how he got his start and his thoughts on the future of the Lake George area.
Did we miss one? Did one of these places close? Send us a note!