Strand Theatre, Hudson Falls NY: A Tribute to Kris Kristofferson
When and where
Date and time
7:30 PM - 9:00 PM
About this event
Featuring talented musicians Jonathan Newell, Laura Roth, Megan Kathryn Houde, Ayla Riley, Michael Eck, Orion Kribs, Keanen Stark, Jo Agopovich, Tania Susi, Al & Kathy Bain, Chris Wisniewski, Mel & Mark Guarino, Greg Bucking, Bob Tressler, Amanda Rogers, Johnny Clifford, Billy Eli, John Lavender II, Lucas Garrett and Jeff Sophn, plus The Lazy Suns & The Bluebillies!
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$20 General admission, $15 Seniors/Students/Veterans. Tickets are available at the Strand Box Office; cash or check only or online at Brown Paper Tickets.
Doors into the lobby, coffee shop and box office open at 6:00pm. For more information and the ticketing link, please visit our website at The Strand Theatre is located at 210 Main St, Hudson Falls, NY.
Please visit our website, Facebook or Instagram accounts for a list of upcoming events at the Strand.
Event times and information subject to change and not guaranteed.