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Lake George Museums & Historic Sites Events

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8 Events Found
Docent giving a tour
Museum Tour: Women and Art
In celebration of Women's History Month join a trained tour guide for a special exploration of the collection with a focus on the various roles of women throughout time.
The Hyde Collection, 161 Warren Street Glens Falls, NY 12801
Millicent Young - Live Performance
Art After Hours - Hyde Museum - Performance/Talk with Artist
Performance art presented by multimedia artists Millicent Young and Timothy Hill, during The Hyde Collections 'Art After Hours / Member Mixers". Experience includes vocal, spoken, movement and guitar.
The Hyde Collection, 161 Warren Street Glens Falls, NY 12801
Kitty Cat Paint & Sip
Family-friendly Paint & Sip at WACM!
World Awareness Children's Museum, 89 Warren Street Glens Falls, NY 12801
Make and Take Ramadan Craft
Fun cultural event at WACM!
World Awareness Children's Museum, 89 Warren Street Glens Falls, NY 12801
lake george music festival 15th year logo
Sembrich Summer Festival: Lake George Music Festival Summer Preview
The Sembrich launches its 2025 concert series with a glimpse into the upcoming Lake George Music Festival (June 8-19, 2025 at the Carriage House in Lake George Village).
The Sembrich (Indoors), 4800 Lake Shore Drive Bolton Landing, NY 12814
young musical performers pose
Sembrich Summer Festival: 20th Annual Young Performers Showcase
Celebrate our region's most promising young artists with an afternoon of vocal and instrumental music, in both classical and popular styles.
The Sembrich (Indoors), 4800 Lake Shore Drive Bolton Landing, NY 12814
saxophone player
Sembrich Summer Festival: Gilded Melodies - Music for Saxophone, Voice & Piano
A unique journey back to the Gilded Age with Dr. Christopher Brellochs; a program of 19th-century opera arias and fantasies for saxophone and piano, featuring music by Donizetti, Bellini, and Mayeur.
The Sembrich (Indoors), 4800 Lake Shore Drive Bolton Landing, NY 12814
portrait of young black man
Sembrich Summer Festival: Juneteenth Celebration - William James Knapp
William James Knapp was the great-grandchild of Dinah Jackson, the last person enslaved at Historic Cherry Hill in Albany, NY.
The Sembrich (Indoors), 4800 Lake Shore Drive Bolton Landing, NY 12814
age of innocence movie poster
Sembrich Summer Festival: The Age of Innocence (1993)
New York aristocrat Newland Archer strains the intransigent mores of Gilded Age society when he falls for his fiancée's scandalous cousin.
The Sembrich (Outdoors), 4800 Lake Shore Drive Bolton Landing, NY 12814
seagle festival logo
Sembrich Summer Festival: Seagle Festival Season Preview
A sampling of the festival's exciting 2025 line-up: The Pirates of Penzance, Carmen, Mayo Buckner (a life interrupted) and Anything Goes.
The Sembrich (Outdoors), 4800 Lake Shore Drive Bolton Landing, NY 12814
trio of musicians
Sembrich Summer Festival: Cecilia - Celtic & Quebecois Tunes
Cécilia is a blend of Traditional Celtic and Quebecois music created by three of Canada's finest musicians - Timi Turmel on accordion, Louis Schryer on fiddle and Erin Leahy on piano.
The Sembrich (Outdoors), 4800 Lake Shore Drive Bolton Landing, NY 12814
show business movie poster
Sembrich Summer Festival: The Road to Broadway (2007)
Follows the four high-profile productions that would eventually become Tony nominees for Best Musical of 2004.
The Sembrich (Outdoors), 4800 Lake Shore Drive Bolton Landing, NY 12814
portrait of marie sembrich
Sembrich Summer Festival: Riding the Rails
Join The Sembrich's Director of Institutional Advancement Caleb Eick for an entertaining glimpse into the Gilded Age through Marcella Sembrich's 1909 transcontinental concert tour.
The Sembrich (Indoors), 4800 Lake Shore Drive Bolton Landing, NY 12814
in the good old summertime, american songs of the gilded age
Sembrich Summer Festival: In the Good Old Summertime
As the success of HBO's "The Gilded Age" shows, the final decades of the 19th century in America continue to fascinate the public.
The Sembrich (Outdoors), 4800 Lake Shore Drive Bolton Landing, NY 12814
Sembrich Summer Festival: Spira Piano Quartet
Spira is a newly-formed chamber ensemble from the Albany area.
The Sembrich (Indoors), 4800 Lake Shore Drive Bolton Landing, NY 12814
ragtime movie poster logo
Sembrich Summer Festival: Ragtime (1981)
See a screening of Ragtime, based on the 1975 novel.
The Sembrich (Outdoors), 4800 Lake Shore Drive Bolton Landing, NY 12814
seagle festival children's opera
Sembrich Summer Festival: Monkey & Francine in the City of Tigers
From the Seagle Festival Children's Opera - Monkey & Francine in the City of Tigers!
The Sembrich (Outdoors), 4800 Lake Shore Drive Bolton Landing, NY 12814
man poses with violin
Sembrich Summer Festival: A Latin American Musical Tour
This is part of the Touba Family Foundation World Music Wednesdays series.
The Sembrich (Outdoors), 4800 Lake Shore Drive Bolton Landing, NY 12814
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