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See This Cheddar Cheese Fondue Recipe With White Wine

Courtesy of Adirondack Winery

Adirondack Winery has provided us with a delicious cheddar cheese fondue recipe with white wine, that's made with two of their wines. Make it a staple of your holiday meal this year!

fondue and wine


  • 6oz Mild Cheddar Cheese, Shredded
  • 6oz Extra-Sharp Cheddar Cheese, Shredded
  • 4 oz Gruyere Cheese, Shredded
  • 1/2 cup Adirondack Winery Gewurztraminer (or can substitute with a semi-sweet white wine)
  • 1/2 cup Adirondack Winery Dry Riesling (or can substitute with a quality dry white wine)
  • 1 tsp Lemon Juice
  • 1 tsp Corn Starch
  • Suggested Accompaniments: 1 Fresh Baguette (quartered chunks), 3 Medium Green Apples (cut into medium-size cubes), 1 Bunch Asparagus (blanched)


  1. Grate all cheeses into a bowl. Mix.
  2. Sprinkle cheese with corn starch and mix.
  3. Heat wine and lemon juice to a slight boil (ideally in a fondue pot, but if you don’t have one, a sauce pan is fine) and slowly add cheese, stirring frequently until smooth.
  4. Turn down the heat to keep the mixture warm.
Adirondack Winery white wine

More Tips:

  • Keep warm and serve as a dip with French or Italian bread, quartered into small pieces, leaving a piece of crust on each piece.
  • Green apple pieces and asparagus also make great dipping accompaniments, but many other fruits and veggies work great too!
  • Have extra wine (to loosen) and corn starch (to thicken) on hand during your party to mix in as needed to keep the fondue at the desired smooth consistency.
  • If you have fondue stickers for guests to use, that is ideal, but plastic forks work fine.

Learn more about Adirondack Winery >>

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