2024 Heroes of Hospitality: Charles R. Wood
April 28, 1914 – September 30, 2004 | Entrepreneur, Philanthropist

Charles R. Wood was a paradox: an optimistic realist. He drove a hard bargain yet possessed a soft heart. He saw both the big picture and the smallest detail. His fondness for play was surpassed only by his capacity for hard work.
He operated resorts in Schroon Lake and Lake George, then inspired by attractions he saw at Knotts Berry Farm in California, he brought the idea for an amusement park to Warren County, opening Storytown U.S.A., in 1954, pounding many of the nails himself.
Wood also opened Gaslight Village, Cavalcade of Cars, Waxlife USA and Charley’s Saloon in Lake George as well as Sun Castle Resort, the Tiki Motor Inn, the Howard Johnson’s Motor Inn and Blacksmith Shop Restaurant and Alfonso’s Restaurant.
Charley had the time of his life and shared his fortune with the region that had embraced his dreams. In 1991 he co-founded the Double H Ranch, a camp for children with serious illness; and the Charles R. Wood Foundation, founded in 1978, helps organizations supporting children, healthcare and the arts in the area.
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