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Lake George Caterers

There are a number of fine caterers in Lake George who would be happy to help with your next important event, party or wedding. Start by contacting some of the caterers below to talk about the type of menu items you are looking for and other specifics about the event.

Your Selections

Holy Smoked Serious BBQ
The Barnsider Smokehouse BBQ
Lake George, NY
Get ready for one-of-a-kind, tasty BBQ with a reputation to match our flavor! Choose The Barnsider Smokehouse BBQ in Lake George, ... [+More]
people enjoying the bar
Morgan & Co. Restaurant
Glens Falls, NY
Experience fine American dining in downtown Glens Falls at Morgan & Co. Every dish offers a unique and innovative twist on origina... [+More]
burger on patio
Frederick's Restaurant & Lounge
Bolton Landing, NY
Frederick's Restaurant & Lounge is a year-round restaurant in Bolton Landing that offers an extensive menu, a welcoming atmosphere... [+More]
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