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The Lake George Photo Of The Week

Our Facebook Fans submit such stunning photos, we're going to feature one per week in this gallery! Submit your own photo on Facebook with the hashtag #LGPicoftheWeek!  

Winter Beauty at Buck Mountain by Bethany Clark

winter beauty at buck mountain

Views of Ice & Lights by Krishna Chaitanya

views of ice & lights in lake george

View From Buck Mountain by Adam Larkin

view of lake from mountain

Lake George in Mid-November by Kendra Brown

beach in early winter, no snow

Eagle on the Lake by Michael Borgos

eagle about to land on lake

Into the Narrows by Paul Fucito

small island in lake

Tucker at Dog Beach by Kristen Wentworth

dog with toy in water by boat

Memorial Day Sunrise by Isabel Bray

sunrise over lake and parking lot

The Algonquin Docks by Chris Doster

docks with view of water, boats, trees, mountain

Sunset Over Boulder Bay by Nicole LaFond

 sunset over lake with dock

View From Cruise by Deborah Hanley

view of lake from boat

View From the Pinnacle by Carl Heilman II

bench on summit

Spring Day in 2019 by Mike Curlis

view of mountains and lake

Mid-March by Colleen Reagan LaRochelle

docks on lake

View From Fort William Henry, by Serach Alicia

view of Lake George from hotel room

Lake George Morning by Rich Flaska

snow and ice in lake

Lake George Winter Carnival by Stacey Marino

winter carnival scene

Frozen Shelving Rock Falls by Richard Flaska

frozen waterfall

Fresh Ice by Luke Dow Photography

boat on water with barely formed ice

Ice Castles Wall by Carrie VanDerhoof

ice castles wall glowing blue and green

A Bear & A Girl by Alan Nudi

girl looks up at large bear statue at night

Summer and Winter Spliced by Luke Dow Photography

split summer and winter scene

Winter Day at Dog Beach With Willow by Paul Fucito

man with dog in front of lake in winter

March Day at the Lake by Jon Kunin

winter scene with frozen lake

Fall Day in Bolton Landing by Carl Heilman II

Blue sky and fall foliage reflecting on pond

Anthony's Nose Sunset by Mathew Hourigan

Pink and blue sunset over mountain and lake

Minne-Ha-Ha Heading South by Jose Augusto

White steamboat on lake with mountain backdrop

Mohican on Paradise Bay by Terri Rappaport

White steamboat on a lake on a sunny day

West Dollar Island by Patrick Maloney

Aerial shot of a small island with two boats

Summer on the Lake by Sarah Sutton

Close up of lake water with distant mountains

Rainbow From Algonquin Restaurant by Paul Guerra

Rainbow over lake on a cloudy day with a dock

Summer at Echo Bay by Andrea Mcdonald

Sunrise over lake with dock & 2 Adirondack chairs

Weekend on Paradise Bay by Joe Rubino

View from a boat on water with mountains and trees

Lake George Sunrise by Jerry Dumary

Mist over lake with pastel pink and yellow sunrise

Hulett's Landing Sunrise by Mark Kenyon

Dock on a lake with a blue and pink sunrise

Ice on Lake George by Nivi Singh

Purple sky reflecting off partially frozen lake

Sunny Winter Day on Lake George by Mark Haverly

Two kids and two dogs walking on ice on sunny day

Winter Carnival Weekend by Janet Sutton

Bear statue with snow & frozen lake in background

Winter Carnival Fireworks by William Adamczak

Colorful fireworks over steamboat on icy lake

Winter Sunset at Pilot Knob by William Adamczak

Gazebo pictured at sunset with snow and mountains

Sunset Over Lake George by Evie Morton

Sunset over lake with mountains and a single boat

Fall in Lake George by Samantha Decker

Aerial view of Lake George Village in the fall

Sunrise From Algonquin Docks by William Adamczak

Sun rising behind mountains over lake with 2 docks

Lake Motel Sunrise by Erin MacDowell

Pastel pink and blue sunrise over misty lake

Lake George Sunset by Amy Demboski-Hotaling

Yellow and orange sunset over lake with mountains

Early Morning Color by Michael Stockwell

Pink sunrise over lake with fall foliage

Sunset From Cat Mountain by William Adamczak

Sunset from a mountaintop in the fall

The View From Hague Town Dock by Janet Aziz

Blue sky with clouds reflecting on a lake

Sunrise From Beach Road by Kelly Reagan

Pastel sunrise over lake with silhouettes of trees

The End of a Lake George Summer by Dan Scott

Fall leaves with background lake and mountains

Cloudy Sunset at Pilot Knob by Michael Stockwell

Colorful cloudy sky over lake with four sailboats

Thursday Night Fireworks by William Adamczak

fireworks at night over lake

Evening Sun on Black Mountain by Kent Smith

sun shining on mountain through clouds near lake

Sunrise From Forest Bay by Mathew Hourigan

colorful sunrise over lake with mountain

An Evening on Lake George by Bethany Creswick

boats docked on lake at dusk

Sunny Day in Lake George by Dan Scott

Sunny blue sky over lake with mountain view

Sunset Over Duncan Cove by Vedanta Dumas-Griffith

Sunset over a lake with mountains

Sunset Over Lake George by Michael Pantusco

sunset over lake george

Sunrise This Morning by Michael Stockwell

sunrise on lake george

Summer Arrives in the ADKs by Michael Stockwell

sunrise on lake george with boats in the front

Blue Skies at the Lake by Christina Noel Andrews

dock and steamboat on lake george on a sunny day

Spring Creeping In by Christina Noel Andrews

lake george in winter

Beautiful Morning by Christina Noel Andrews

lake george in winter

Light Up The Village by Brian Evans

holiday lights in lake george

Morning at the Lake by Michael Stockwell

sunrise over Lake George

Monday Morning by the Water by Michael Stockwell

snowy morning at lake george

The Minne Ha Ha by Tracy Tompson

minne ha ha on a foggy afternoon

Chilly Morning at Lake George by Michael Stockwell

chilly morning on lake george

Fall Sunset on Lake George by Jayne Keneston

fall sunset on lake george

Red Skies at Night... by Joanne-Michael Coogan

sunset over lake george

Sunrise on Lake George by Sioban Hood

sunrise on lake george

Morning on Lake George by Michael Stockwell

morning after rain on lake george

Cotton Point on Lake George by Greg Barrett

cotton point on lake george

Early Morning on Northwest Bay by Stephanie Page

early morning on northwest bay

Stormy Sunset in Lake George by Wayne Panales

sunset over lake george

Sunrise from Shepard Park by Michael Stockwell

sunrise over lake george

Parasailing on Lake George by Advenchatera

parasailing on lake george

Docks on Lake George by Jennifer Mead-Delzotto

docks on lake george

Milky Way over Lake George by Greg Barrett

milky way over lake george

Lake George Sunrise by Michael Stockwell

sunrise over lake george

Beautiful Day on the Lake by Dee Brayton

sunset over lake george

Pink sky at night by Jim Willig

pink sky at night in lake geogrge

Lake George, 1983 by Larry Cultrera

lake george 1983

Winter Into Spring by Christina Noel Andrews

ice on lake george

Rogers Rock from Black Point Road - Terry Brannock

rogers rock on lake george

Dawn at Braley Point by Kent Smith

braley point on lake george

Lake George Winter Carnival by Brian Evans Photos

lake george winter carnival

Icey Lake George by Michael Stockwell

icey lake george

Sunrise from the Sagamore by Gail Stein

sunrise on lake george

Lake George from Buck Mountain - Ted Chittenden

lake george from buck mountain in the winter

Ice fishing Lake George by Reggie Mcgillicuddy

ice fishing on lake george

Sailboats Moored in Middleworth Bay by Luke Dow

sailboats moored on lake george

Thin ice at Huletts Landing by Kara Gavin

huletts landing on lake george

Adirondack Chairs in Ticonderoga by Terry Brannock

northern lake george

Sunburst Sunrise by Cynthia Soroka-Dunn

sunrise on lake george

Paint it black by Jim Rambo

lake george new york

Moonrise over Hague by Mathew Hourigan

moonrise over hague

Looking north from Hague by Mathew Hourigan

Looking north at the sunrise from Hague

Sunset Over Lake George by Bill Smith

Northern LG Sunset by Andrea Rogers McDonald

sunset over northern lake george

Rainbow over Lake George by Jesse Forte.

Making Memories on Lake George by Eric Gonzalez

Cotton Candy Skies over Lake George - Nicole Young

Sunset from Pilot Knob by Jeffrey Stockwell

Roger's Rock Campground by Mike Slammer

Sunrise over Black Mountain by Michael Stockwell

A Nice Day on the Lake by Christine N Jimmy Moran

Sunrise at the Southern Basin by Michael Stockwell

Rainbow over the Saint by Justin Mahoney

Sunset from Prospect Mountain by Scott Stevens

Sunset from Prospect Mountain

The Milky Way over Lake George by Jessica Tabora

The Minne-Ha-Ha by Kendall Mckernon

Sailing on Northwest Bay by Jim Willig

Sailboat on Northwest Bay

Bear on the prowl in Shepard Park by Brian Evans

Lake George from Battlefield Park by Mary Abramson

Log Bay on Lake George by Joann Morency Reynolds

Looking North from Lake Shore Dr. by Laura Scotto

Lake George dock waits for visitors by CT Ware

Ice Out at Pilot Knob by Kendall McKernon

lake george and mountains

Last of the Winter Ice by Mercedes Gaudier

Clouds & Mountains by Kendall McKernon

Sunset over Lake George: Brad Wenskoski Photo

Blue and Tan in Lake George by Kendall McKernon

Lake George Sunset by Nicole Loizos

A winter walk in Lake George by Jeromy Decker

A walk in Lake George by Christina Noel Andrews

Winter morning on Beach Road - Luke Dow

Snowy View from Huletts by Mark Kenyon

Winter on Lake George by Emily Parker-Peterson

Sunrise over Dome Island by Michael Pantusco

Tongue Mountain by Mercedes Gaudier

Winter Dusk at King Neptunes by Bill Smith

Holiday Minne-Ha-Ha by Jenn Williams McKernon

Dockside at Lake George by Lauren Alexanderson

Picnic Island on Lake George by Rachel Johnson

Lake George from Cook Mt. by Roger & Mary Abramson

Sunrise in Bolton Landing by Jeff O'Brien

Full Moon over Lake George by Eric Thacke

View from Pinnacle Trail by Roger & Mary Abramson

Milky Way over Lake George by ET Photography

View from Prospect Mountain by Stephanie Graudons

A Calm Day At The Island by Ben Sweet

Happy Spring on Lake George by Mike Carter

Sunny Day on a Calm Lake by Justin Bacon

Rogers Rock on Lake George by Michael Wheater

Star trails over Lake George by Jason Menniti

Double Rainbow over the Lake by Erin Marie

Sunny Day on The Lake by Matthew Montoney

Fresh Ice on Lake George by Ryan Lewis

Sunrise over Shelving Rock by Bill Smith

Fall on Lake George by Tom Berg Photography

Steamy Lake George by Cynthia Soroka-Dunn

New Year's Brunch Cruise by Chris DeMarco

Take A Seat By The Lake - by Michael Leonardo

December by the Lake by Christina Noel Andrews

Lake George Village by Bettina A Germain

Finn's First Hike by Seth Powell

Lake George by Angela Wallach

Quick Hike To A Great View by Luke Dow Photography

Bolton Landing from Buck Mountain by Kirsten Crist

Fall is Fading by Kent Smith

This Morning's Calm by Abby Reilly

Sunset Over Lake George by Jonathan Volks

Northwest Bay from 5th Peak by Michael Stockwell

Night Sky Over Lake George by Brendan Wiltse Photo

Snow on the dock on Lake George by Paul Kappus

Heading to The Narrows by Bill Smith

boat heading into the narrows lake george

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