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Lake George Colonial Wars Walking Tour Stop 7: Lake George Steamboat Company and Steel Pier

In 1903, a 44-foot colonial sloop was raised from the lake near the Steel Pier, where the Lake George Steamboat Company's boats are tied up today. Coincidentally, the Steel Pier lies not far away from one of the colonial piers, reminding us that history often repeats itself.

steel pier with boat docked

Less than 40 years after the American Revolution, in 1817, the Lake George Steamboat Company was started. (You can read more about their early history here.) Today, the company offers informative boat tours which describe for their passengers the lake's history, geology, and limnology.

Continue the Walking Tour to Stop 8: Military Dock

Posting on this site is with the permission of the Lake George Battlefield Park (Fort George) Alliance.

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